HR Policy

HR Policy

The sustainability of employment, the stabilization of the social climate and the supervision of skills, are our main battleground. Tosyalı Algérie carried out a mass recruitment from the start of operation of all its industrial facilities, around 8000 workers have joined the most prestigious complex in the Mediterranean. This complex is a resource for around 50,000 families.

One of the major axes of the human resources department's policy is undoubtedly training. The employing company contributes greatly to the reduction of unemployment among graduates of Algerian universities and is active in upgrading young skills in various positions. Training in a purely educational setting is reinforced by this mixing of the experience and qualifications of engineers with dynamic young recruits eager for knowledge and advancement. The complexity and high technology demanded by such an industry necessarily necessitates constant upgrading, in various positions and professions, ranging from purely technical and technological activities to management.