Continuous Casting Machines (CCM)

Continuous Casting Machines (CCM)

The three Continuous Casting Machines (CCM) in Tosyalı Algérie complex, with a total annual production capacity of 6.9 million tonnes, serve as the destination for the liquid steel from the smelting plant and is a crucial step in the production process within the complex.

The liquid steel arrives at the Continuous Casting Machines (CCM), where it undergoes a series of processes to solidify. At this stage, which prepares the steel for production, the liquid steel is continuously poured into a mould and solidified into billets and slabs.

In the subsequent stage, the billets and slabs are cut to the required lengths with oxygen.

The casted parts are then sent to the Rolling Mill Plants for hot rolling without any prior cooling. Any billet and slab that requires storage are cooled with air on the cooling carpet.